Our weekend in Cedar Key started on a totally gross note. We opened the gate and found a dead gray fox on the walk right in front of the front steps! It had been much enjoyed by the vultures...thank you very much vultures. However, they left us the skull, bones, furry tail, lots of fur, and a smell previously experienced only by walking or driving quickly by road-killed possums and armadillos. Whew! We disposed of the vultures leftovers and then hosed the smelled into the ground as best we could. Our vet told us distemper is rampant in the fox population and we are need to keep our dog immunized. He's up-to-date, thank goodness.
The rest of the weekend was totally lovely. We had dinner with friends Marci and Jim at the Neptune Bar at the Island Hotel while enjoying the live band and joining in on such tunes as "I love this bar!"
We spent Sunday with thousands of others at CLAMerica in the city park, ate clams of course, and worked in the education booth of the Friends of the Lower Suwannee and Cedar Keys National Wildlife Refuges. We stayed home and listened to the fireworks, watching what we could see of them behind the trees outside the living room window...all the time comforting Jake while he tried to stopped quivering in fear.
We never thought to take a photo of the fox. I bet you're sorry too.