Adventures beyond time

Adventures beyond time

Monday, June 22, 2015

Where We Have Been

We last posted in August 2014 on our way back to Florida from our annual visit to Star Lake in the Adirondack State Park in New York.

Since then, we have been using the blog on our Camino Dreaming website to post information and stories about our class,  The Practicalities of Hiking the Camino, about our training for our 2015 Camino hike, and about our time on the Camino in May and June 2015.

Just to catch up and fill in the blanks, here are a few photo highlights since August 2014.

New backyard landscape in Gainesville
Pam and James with the  five Virginia grandkids
Fall colors in Florida
Seen on a morning hike in the neighborhood
Juniper hairstreak seen at the Lower Suwannee Refuge
Hiking in the cool winter with Cedar Key friends on the Refuge
Refuge marsh views are a favorite in the fall
Christmas with both Beaux and Goldie to pet
Making Christmas cookies with Grampa James and Gramma Pam
Steve's amazing Christmas-visit lasagna
Russ and the lasagna
Snowbird visit from Linda and Lenny
New paint for the Cedar Key house
Cedar Key in the spring
Moving uptown
New location, new sign

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